Nana Christabel Mary |
This year is the year for taking, and owning, responsibility in our daily lives. I`m not talking about being the committee leader etc., I`m talking about owning our emotional reactions. Nobody actually really makes us feel angry, sad, unworthy. We have a choice in the way we respond and react to life`s dramas! Sure we can tell ourselves that we react that way because of the way we were brought up etc. but actually 'victim' statements like these are a cop-out and keep you in the 'poor me' mode.
Watching the way we react, instead of thinking & saying "He/she made me so angry".is the first step to empowerment and self-worth.
I am mentioning this in this Healthy Hints page as when we respond with a less than loving emotion, we leak energy/lifeforce and this leads to a weakened immune system.
2012 is the year to work on ourselves, our inner as well as our outer physical selves. It takes truthfulness and courage to let your shadow, or dark side, be seen and transmuted by ones self, but by golly gosh it is worth ever bit of discomfort in order to arrive at self empowerment. Healing on all levels takes place along with foregiveness and compassion. Decisions on all levels become more true as they are no longer clouded by personal emotional responses.
The year 2012 is also about diet. Eat more fruits & vegs. only small amounts of meat (if you are not a vegetarian), eating less refined &/or sugary foods and drinks. Eating less full-stop. Less cheese, less deep fried, less junk!! Drinking water as the main liquid intake coupled with a fresh vegy juice daily. Sprouts +++, nuts and seeds, yoghurt, oats. Curb cigarettes and cut down on caffeine.
2012 is about finding out what makes you tick creatively, honouring your creativity and balancing your life with time out - quiet time. Meditation, Tai Chi, gardening, nature walks, watching the stars - all quiet time (not reading or emailing etc).
There are many predictions for 2012 be it in the Bible, or within any religion or ancient culture. Anything is possible. We really don`t know what, and if anything, will change drastically on our planet. Maybe the expected solar flares in 2012-2013 will create a few disturbances physically as well as creating disturbances/breakdowns with electricity supplies? Why not have a healthy fit intuitive body ? Why not have some extra supplies of green powders, vit B`s, colloidal minerals, fish oil? I know that I will be stocking up a bit with at least these few supplements.
If you wish to be more sustainable and wish to plant out survival foods then a great little reference book, especially for Australians, is:
Isabell Shipard`s book "How Can I be Prepared with Self-Sufficiency and Survival Foods?" ISBN 978-0-9758252-3-5
This year is truly a year of taking responsibilty for the health of the body, mind and spirit. Enjoy.
Next time I will write a little about Osteoporosis
Until then
Cheers Christabel
The Healing Magic of Turmeric (Curcuma Longa)
Freshly Dug Up Turmeric |
Medicinal uses:
It`s an antioxidant, a digestive, an anti-inflammatory, carminative, an anti-fungal, a blood detoxifier and also is used as an analgesic.
It is used by natural healing therapists in the treatment of cancer - especially for breast and colon cancer as turmeric is known to assist the liver and gall bladder.
It is used by some diabetics to increase insulin production ( along with cloves and cinnamon).
Turmeric is known to inhibit clot formation and also assists in lowering cholesterol.
Turmeric also stimulates the adrenal glands
Ayurvedic healing uses turmeric to treat joint inflammation.
A paste of dried turmeric, or grated fresh root can be applied to skin conditions such as herpes, shingles, chicken pox, insect bites etc.
So if you want to be more healthy be like the Indians and start sprinkling Turmeric powder on everything.
Tumeric Flower |
Please check out Green Harvest`s website as they are an internet business that looks after us and our beautiful planet!
© Frances Michaels GREEN HARVEST Organic Gardening Supplies
COMMON NAMES: turmeric, Indian saffron, ukon, nghe, wong-keong
BOTANICAL NAME: Curcuma domestica syn Curcuma longa
FAMILY: Zingiberaceae, the ginger family
Turmeric is native to the monsoon forests of south east Asia. It is a perennial herb to 1m tall with underground rhizomes. It produces tall, very beautiful, white flower spikes, if clumps are left undisturbed for a year. The flower is so attractive that it is worth growing for this alone. It requires a well-drained soil, frost-free climate and 1000 to 2000mm of rain annually or supplementary irrigation. It thrives best on loamy or alluvial fertile soils and cannot stand waterlogging. Heavy shade will reduce the yield but light shade is beneficial.
Ground turmeric comprises 25% of curry powder and is used to give it a yellow colour. The harvested rhizomes are boiled and sun-dried for 7-8 days but can be used fresh. It is also used as a yellow food dye, replacing tetrazine. Leaves wrapped around fish flavour it during cooking. In Indonesia , the young shoots and rhizome tips are eaten raw.
Plant turmeric in September or October, into a warm soil. The rhizomes should be planted 5-7cm deep. It is often planted on ridges, usually about 30-45 cm apart and with 15-30 cm between plants. The crop is planted by setts (small rhizomes) with one or two buds. Approximately 1,700 kg of setts are required to one hectare. Expected yield would be 13 to 35 tonnes/ha of fresh turmeric. In cooler areas of Australia turmeric can be grown in glasshouses. Like all herbaceous perennials clumps of turmeric need to be broken up and fresh pieces planted every 3 to 4 years.
Rhizomes are harvested 9 to 10 months after planting, the lower leaves turning yellow or stems drying and falling over are indications of maturity. It is possible for the home gardener to just dig carefully at the side of a clump and remove rhizomes as needed rather than harvesting the whole clump.
Available from Green Harvest: July to September
Recent research from a study in the Journal of the American Chemical Society into turmeric, commonly used as a spice and curry ingredient, has demonstrated wide-ranging health giving properties. More info......
Journal of the American Chemical Society:
GREEN HARVEST is an internet supplier of everything the organic gardener needs - from seeds, tools, plants to books and pest control etc etc.
Phone 1800 68 1014 in Australia for a FREE Australian Organic Gardening Resource Guide and catalogue. Published by Green Harvest it contains 48 pages of organic gardening products and hints to help grow nutritious, chemical-free vegetables and fruit.
Until next time
Cheers ChristabelM
October 11th
The Magic of Ginger (Zingiber Officianle)
To help break a fever and to get rid of persistant phlegm or sinus problems try making, and drinking, some giger tea. It`s easy to make as all you have to do is grate up some fresh organic ginger, add boiling water and let it steep for about half an hour before drinking it. I use about 2 teaspoons of grated gonger to 2 cups of water. Best to take, whilst still warm,every 2-3 hours until symptoms ease.
In Asian countries ginger is often used for the treatment of headaches. It`s grated finely and then mashed to make a thin smooth paste ( you can use powdered ginger and mix in a little cold water). The paste is then applied to the temples and forehead.
Ginger is also used to help prevent travel sickness and morning sickness. Usually 2 capsules of ginger are taken.
Bye for now
Cheers Christabel
September 14th
The Healing Crisis
When the body is given the right nutrients the body is often pushed into a healing crisis.
A healing crisis is when the body starts the process of regeneration by firstly rejecting and expelling toxins in every way it can. It can detoxify through the skin, creating pimples, eczema, rashes, body odour, hives etc. The skin is the largest eliminating organ. You can
help this process by vitalizing your skin through brushing, which massages the sweat glands, gets rid of dead skin and assists in the circulation to the skin. Always brush towards the heart using either a loofah or a coarse towel.
Please note:
If you have pimples, eczema, body odour etc. and you are feeding your body at last with healthy nutrients - well done!
Other signs, that can mean your body is at last getting rid of toxins, are sudden headache, backache, joint pain, frequent urination, diarrhoea, constipation, bad breath and vomiting.
It`s a good idea to learn visualization and relaxation techniques before putting yourself in to a healing crisis.
One of the best ways to give yourself high frequency 'fuel' is by juicing, coupled with colloidal minerals and food enzymes. If you are ill then make sure you are supervised by a registered health practitioner who can monitor you throughout the process.
Remember to get loads of rest and fill your space with pleasant music and people! Focus on the benefits of going through your healing crisis with love, not fear!
Most of the time people are eating demineralized food which is full of added chemicals, preservatives and colourants. The food, if not organic, has also been sprayed with pesticides. Most cosmetics and bathroom products are full of chemicals and laundry products are hugely detrimental to our health. We also breath in pollutants. Flysprays, mosquito repellants and household deodorizing sprays etc, are mainly toxic. It is a hard call to expect our body to continuously cope with the onslaught of toxins dished out to it. We also have the added emotional stress which comes with 21st century living - workloads high, and family and community becoming more fragmented.
It is no wonder that the body goes through a healing crisis when it finally gets the nourishment and fuel that it deserves!
Happy days
Cheers Christabel
August 22nd
Cleansing the System with Juicing
The last week I have been on a juicing regime.
In 1998 I was diagnosed with having terminal ovarian cancer. So far I have beaten it. I will talk about this another day.
To help my system keep healthy I do a juicing cleanse for four to six weeks every year, using only organic vegys & fruit.
Whilst doing my cleanse I go inward doing loads of meditation, prayer etc. to get myself more in balance and to make contact with God. I call this time 'sacred time' and ask my friends to please respect my space. I feel this time is really important, not only for my body, but also for my mind and spirit. It`s a time when I can see my life more clearly and truthfully, as clutter is removed, replaced by peace and love. It`s a time for dropping unnecessary accumulated rubbish from my thoughts and mind. Before I started my cleanse I also cleaned out my shed and wardrobe.
I mainly juice carrots, apples, celery, beetroot, cucumber and grapefruit. I chew and eat all apple pips as the pips are known to contain vitamin B17 (laetrile) which is often used to help transmute cancer. I nibble on parsley if I feel like it through the day, although I`ll stop doing this when the wheatgrass is fully grown. I`m growing wheatgrass which should be ready for juicing in about a week`s time - it`s a bit slow in growing as the weather has been cold. I have vegetable broth made from the juice of steamed vegetables.I have fruit for breakfast. No tea or coffee, maybe a herbal tea like chamomile or red clover for mid-morning or arvo. At night, if I am really feeling this cold snap, I have vegetable broth made from the juice of steamed vegetables. The first few days resulted in a headache as toxins started to be removed from my body.
Now no more headaches (healing crisis) and other aches and pains are disappearing from my body!
Next time I will write about the healing crisis,
Until then
Cheers Christabel
August 1st
A Little Food for the Soul
There are many ways of nourishing the soul. When the soul is revived 'great' healing takes place.
Every year the violence, the disrespect for our brothers and sisters, for ourselves and our planet seems to be escalating.
By connecting to Mother Earth and Father Sun, to God the very source of our being, can bring about humbleness and gratitude. We can gather strength and courage, forgiveness and inner peace when our 'connection' is strong. Love flows to us and through us much more easily naturally creating a 'healing' environment.
Our family respects our food and where it comes from. We acknowledge and give thanks to the Earth - wind, rain, fire, air, stone, the trees and plants, the sea creatures, the birds, insects and animals - to life itself - and the sun, moon and stars. To the music of creation.
I sing my garden, sing the earth, and in so doing feel the greatest of joy in my inner being, toning my inner landscape as well as the outer.
Singing together, even singing one note together, brings about harmony. So easy. Often I suggest to patients to maybe join a choir. Most times joy of living replaces anger or depresssion! Funnily enough, a simple thing like singing has a huge positive impact on our lives and behaviour.
Sometimes I find myself drumming. If I am caught up with emotional drama I might start to drum the heartbeat. After a while I drum life. I drum the lizards, the horses etc etc. Just sitting by myself drumming to myself. The drum can be a very powerful aid in reviving the spirit.
When the spirit feels alive the mind forgets to play tricks with itself. You can see a bigger picture than the little self-absorbed one just beyond the nose!
The Magic of the Papaya Tree
The PawPaw fruit, when ripe, provides much vitamin A and vit.C.
It is easy to digest and takes only about 20 minutes to do so.
The fruit when still green contains huge amounts of papain, an enzyme that breakss down food and is even used as a meat tenderizer. Papain can also be used in treating bee stings. Mix a little of the white sap with water and soak up the mix with a cotton wool ball. Place over the bite after removing the sting. Apparently papain has also been used for snakebites by dissolving papain tablets in water and then drinking the solution.
Some countries use papain (white sap)for getting rid of warts. The white sap is slowly dripped on to the wart several times a day for approximately a week. Usually the wart then drops off!
The leaves are also valuable as a healing tool. Chopped and boiled for approx. three hours in water and taken as a tea can be an aid in cancer treatment.
There are too many uses for me to write them all down here.
Live a little -grow the magnificent Papaya Tree. Males as well as female trees. You can preserve the leaves and fruit by slicing and drying them in the sun.
Here`s to good health & happiness
Cheers, Christabel
July 25th
Tips to Decrease Stress
We have so much pressure in our lives these days. Our lives are generally 'overflowing' with activities and commitments. Social behaviour has changed. Road rage, angry shoppers, screaming mothers, fighting children, stressed bosses, drunken teenagers, bullying at school and within the community. There is much dis harmony resulting in anxiety and depression.
There seems to be no time left for family as finding $ for food on the table is becoming harder and harder for those on a low, or average, income. Expectations, work and peer pressure can produce huge amounts of STRESS!
Stress = Dis ease Emotional & mental stress can turn a healthy physical body into a diseased body eg high blood pressure, stroke,
cancer, heart disease, liver disease, migraine, hormonal imbalances and the list goes on and on and on. If there is tension in the muscles then many parts of the body are also affected. If there is malabsorption of food, because of stress, digestion will not be complete and as a result the body will not have assimilated the necessary vits. minerals and fats needed for good health! Stress weakens immunity in general, and therefore the body is more susceptible to flu etc.
Children can also be in a state of anxiety or stress. They may have there own problems or they might be sponges, absorbing the energy that the parents are putting out. If parents are stressed then it will be affecting their child`s school and social life and will also be weakening their immune response to viruses etc.
Underneath I have listed a few ideas that can help get life back into a more balanced state of wellness.
Deep Breathing It`s free and sometimes works wonders. When something/someone really irritates you consciously take five deep breaths. Feel yourself being restored to a balanced state. Feel yourself energized and on the outward breath letting all tension out. You now can think more clearly.
Drink Pure Water The average perrson does not drink enough water. Our body, including our brain, needs an adaquate supply of water to function properly. Chemical free, unpolluted water puts no added stress on the body. Drink more water and less tea, coffee & soft drinks.
Eat Healthy Foods Fresh fruit and vegetables. Go for quality foods. Eat less meat. Decrease all sugary refined foods and packaged foods that are filled with additives, sugar, salt and preservatives and colourants. Please read June 17th post that talks about food allergies etc. Stress is dramatically magnified
when foods that irritate the brain are eaten!!!!!!
Multi B Complex, Green Powder Supplementation Usually people have a dramatic change in coping with stress by just taking daily a Vit. B Complex supplement. Green powders also have a HUGE impact as they nourish all systems and help relax the muscles. Also an aid in dealing with depression & drug/food addiction. Neways has a fantastic green powder mix called Green Qi and has a great Multi B Complex called Orachel.
Chamomile Tea Relaxing and warming to the soul
Sing, Paint, Knit Do something that allows you to be 'in the moment'. Gardening connects you with 'life', also in the moment.Meditation, Tai Chi, Stretching, Yoga Meditation takes you into a space that is not concerned with every day dramas and chaos. It takes you out of yourself (ego self) and into wholeness and peace. Peace beyond thoughts, desires, attachments, anger, fear, pain and suffering. Daily meditation gives you a clear perspective on your life. A true perspective that is not tainted with emotion. Tai Chi rebalances and activates the energy lines within the body. Stretching and Yoga also has huge benefits to the body, mind and spirit.
Nature walks, exercise A walk through a forest, connecting with nature, not only provides oxygenated air but connects you with Creation at its best! The soul receives nourishment. Exercise is good for circulation, strengthening of muscles (including the heart), and assists in endorphin production. Exercise also builds self-esteem & confidence and improves sleep.
Time-Out Spend some time with yourself. Take a bath, massage your feet. Do some aromatherapy and be quiet.
Quality Time - Listen carefully to each other. Turn off the TV. Have dinner together. Create a buffer zone between work and home. Change jobs if stressing you too much
Learn Patience
Focus on the Positives
De clutter the wardrobe, cupboards, garage Your home is a reflection of yourself. Yourself will be lesss cluttered if your environment is clean & uncluttered.
Burnt-out records are not advantageous. Forgive and let go! The more you talk about a problem, the bigger it gets. Thouught patterns are built up and then are harder to diffuse. Resistance = persistence!
Acupressure on yourself/others Relieves pressure and opens meridians. Try shoulders and neck as most physical tension starts here
Be Realistic Be truthful about your stress load. Don`t make up excuses or blame others. Look at your reactions, judgements, expectations. Look at the possible Lessons to be learnt
Get a Good Night`s Sleep Apparently the most prroductive hours of sleep are between 9.30pm and 11.30pm.! Years ago I couldn`t sleep. I was really worried about something. One day a friend appeared with a little wooden carving of a Buddha bent over - A Worry Man. She told me to put him next to my bed and at bedtime to tell him all my worries before rolling over to go to sleep. I thought it was a stupid idea but I`ll try anything new. Well that night was the first night for ages that I slept like a log! Thought patterns are interesting. We are the director of the show!
Give Problem`s over to our Creator Ask for help and be open to answers. May come in a different wrapping to what you are used to!
Anxiety Disorders Clinic I saw someone on SBS Insight interview an old friend of the family Prof Gavin Andrews of St Vincents Hosp Sydney. If you have a long-standing anxiety disorder problem please look at this website. Gavin has set up a virtual clinic on the internet. It costs VERY LITTLE and has had huge positive results. It deels with anything from phobias through to panic disorder and depression.
All treatments involve Cognitive Behaviour Therapy - no drugs!!
It sounds really positive.
The website tells you how you can become part of the program.
Please pass this website onto your friends. Thankyou.
Until next time
Cheers Christabel M
All information on this page is intended for educational purposes only. If you are concerned about your health please consult a health practitioner.
July 11th
Children and Food Preservatives and Additives
PLEASE NOTE if your child has ADD or ADHD please read this post.
Last week I mentioned that if your child behaves badly, has mood swings, is hyperactive etc. that it could simply be a result of a food allergy. Another reason could be a reaction to preservatives.
On Saturday evening I happened to go to a friend`s birthday party. Whilst there, I had ONE glass of white wine. I drank only that one glass as my eyes almost immediately became bloodshot and I didn`t feel my usual bubbly self. I had reacted to the preservatives in the wine!
I have seen angry mothers in the shopping centre, shouting at or grabbing their child and dragging him, or her, along by the arm as the child has been uncontrollable. Often the mother has first tried to shut the child up by giving them an icipole or some lollies or other packaged food or drink. Children love to eat and drink anything that is brightly coloured and sweet.
I often wonder if the child being dragged along had a cordial drink before going shopping and I wonder what the child had for breakfast. Many parents do NOT know how colourants, preservatives and other food additives can bring about a huge change in behaviour.
Preservatives are actually worse than colourants as instead of an almost immediate reaction to colouring some reactions to preservatives are delayed and therefore not associated to the food eaten. Unfortunately most preservatives are tasteless, colourless as well as odourless eg the preservatives in bread.
Preservatives that have been found to cause reactions include:
Nitrates and Nitrites (249-252) - found in ham & bacon as well as processed meats such as salami and luncheon pressed meats.
Sorbates (200, 201, 202, 203) - often found in fruit drinks,dips, processed cheeses, soft drinks, fruit yoghurt and flour products other than bread.
Sulphites (220-228) - mainly found in salad bars, prepared fruit salad, cordials, dehydrated vegetables, sausages & manufactured meat, processed fruits & vegys, juice drinks. All sulphites may be dangerous to asthmatics.
Benzoates (210, 211, 212, 213) - found in soft drinks, fruit drinks, fruit topping, imitation fruit & some jams.
Antioxidants (310-321) - found in margarines, oils, chewing gum.
Propionates (280, 281, 282, 283) - found in bread.
Every child should be given a chance to reach their full potential. Many children who had below average school marks, maybe even expelled through bad behaviour, have become good students with good exam passes just because their parents checked out food intolerances and reactions to preservatives & other additives and then changed their child`s diet.
Please talk about, and share, information about food intolerances etc. with your friends.
Please note: A terrific little pocket book that lists all preservatives & food additives is called "The Chemical Maze" by Bill Statham
ISBN : 095785352-1
I highly recommend reading the book
"Fed Up" by Sue Dengate
Publisher: Random House Australia
ISBN: 0-09-183698-1
Sue Dengate explains fully everything you need to know about food additives and a failsafe diet! Another interesting book is
"Food Chemical Sensitivity" by Robert Buist
Pub. Harper & Row Australia
ISBN 0 06 312083 6
Until next week,
Cheers, Christabel
July 4th
Food For Thought
Depression, anxiety, phobia, schizophrenia, headaches, dulling of the brain, sudden onset of aggression, hyperactivity, hypertension, tachycardia, insomnia etc.
are often the symptoms caused by food allergy!
Recently I have come across parents that are beside themselves because their child is beautiful and happy one minute and then suddenly is full of anger and hate the next! The parents that I have met are all loving, kind parents who have tried all types of approaches in order to manage their child - all without success. The stress put on these parents is huge. Anger towards themselves, and their child, can cause anything from depression to marriage breakups.
You may be feeding all the good foods to your child, yet you have a problem child! Organic foods, as a rule, have many more vitamins and minerals than inorganic supermaket food.The child`s behaviour could be due to a vitamin B, mineral, or essential fatty acid deficiency or a food allergy.
If your child undergoes noticable mood swings - super nice then super nasty - maybe you need to have her/him take an allergy test. Ask your naturopath or doctor about available tests.
Some people who have a wheat allergy display schizphrenic behaviour within a few hours after digesting wheat - especially if they had not eaten any for a few days previously. Aggression and nastiness, even hatred, can be the result of digesting wheat!
These days children are eating huge amounts of cereal-grain products along with sugary refined foods, fast foods, packaged foods and other foods containing chemicals & preservatives. Many children also drink carbonated, sugary drinks along with deep fried foods! It`s no wonder that these kids are out of balance. These foods will all have a negative impact on their health, one way or another, as the years pass.
Food allergies, along with chemical and mould allergies seem to be on the increase. I guess our bodies have to deal with more and more pollutants these days as well as more emotional & mental stress.
For adults only:
If you are an adult then you may have had symptoms for years. Maybe your doctor has insinuated that your symptoms are psychosomatic? Maybe your symptoms are in fact undiagnosed maladaptive reactions to foods, chemicals or inhalants. So many times doctors dish out pills to numb the problem. A quick fix? The problem is usually still there and, as a result of the pills, the problem has possibly been exacerbated!
As an adult often we become addicted to certain types of food. Often it is what is in these foods that we are allergic to. Somehow we dull the affects of the allergen by keeping the allergen at a constant in the body creating a state of chronic stress, precariously balanced. If unbalanced by added physical or emotional stress, then illness or an acute allergy can emerge.
Allergy testing sometimes consists of totally withdrawing from all food containing the suspected allergen for four days.
Always fast under supervision of a health practitioner who is familiar with your medical history and fasting
Testing goes something like this:
Firstly all environmental pollutants are removed including gas, smoke, perfumes, sprays, dyes, paints, moth balls, soaps & detergents, cleaning agents, pesticides.No smoking is permitted and only pure water is drunk (some people are allergic to tobacco smoke and/or chlorine).
It is better to actually fast for these four days. Many withdrawal symptoms can appear in the first two or three days of fasting such as headaches, irritability etc. if you are addicted to the foods you are sustaining from.
After four days usually all symptoms have subsided or disappeared. Best to fast until symptoms have disappeared which may mean for a few more days. Don`t go over seven days. If symptom free after four days then only one food is eaten or drunk for day five. Maybe milk or a wheat product eaten in quick procession. If no symptoms appear then the next type of drink or food is given.
If symptoms do appear stop eating or drinking the food immediately. Symptoms usually last between 2 to 5 hours.
Interesting Reading:
BRAIN ALLERGIES The Psychonutrient Connection by W.H. Philpott MD., D.K.K.Kalita PhD.
Publisher: Keats Pub. Inc. Connecticut
ISBN: 0 87983 426 9
Here`s to good health,
Cheers, Christabel M.
June 27th
Did you know.........?
Melanoma is the most aggressive form of skin cancer and is one of the most aggressive forms of human cancer. It is the second most common cancer in men and women in NSW!!!!!
Malenoma is more prevelant in men than women and crosses all age-groups. It is also more prevelant in fair-skinned indoor workers than outdoor workers.
Vitamin D is a very strong anti-proliferative agent against tumour cells in Melanomas. Statistics confirm that people who are in the highest fifth of Vit D intake rates have a 40% lower risk of melanoma than those in the lowest fifth.
Apparently Vit. D deficiency is a growing health concern in Australia, even in Queensland! Interesting as the body makes Vit D with the help of the sun. To get the most Vit D through sun exposure the best time is around midday.
Vit D intake from food is low. Salmon, herrings and mackeral contain some Vit D. Cod liver oil is a good source.
Vit D Deficiency increases the risk of cancer and other diseases such as Osteoporosis, Osteomalacia, Rickets and muscle weakness and pain.
Vit D enhances immunity & inhibits autoimmunity.
With Type 1 Diabetes a deficiency in vit D is implicated. It is also implicated in Multiple Sclerosis, Osteoporosis and Rheumatoid Arthritis.
Reference: ATMS NEWS Issue 2 AUTUMN 2011
Lesson of the day - Never judge a book by its cover!
I have just come in from the garden only to find my jumper and pants covered with millions of seeds.Cobbler`s Pegs or Farmers` friends are abundant in farming areas in the Hinterland. They are a curse as they have an abundancy of seeds that attach themselves to anyone who happens to be passing by. I don`t use chemicals so I have loads.
The good news is that if I ever have to go into `survival mode` these pesty plants actually would turn out to be some of my best friends!
Leaves are eaten raw, or cooked, and are a very good source of not only chlorophyll, but Vit. C, iron, calcium, magnesium and potassium. Flowers and leaves can be chewed for mouth hygiene, as well as for toothache. In the past Cobblers` pegs were also used to treat many more diseases including gall stones and tonsillitus!
June 20th
More on the Immune System continued Part 4
A terrific immune booster, one that I take at any sign of a sore throat or fluey feeling is Neways Ming VMM. We all know that the herb Echinacea boosts the immune system. Ming VMM not only consists of echinacea but also has other herbs that work well with the echinacea enhancing all parts of our defence systems. eg. Panax Ginseng helps to support the liver. Panax Ginseng also helps to retard cancer. There are many other supplements that help promote a healthy immune system but for me Ming VMM works wonders.
Stress reduction has been mentioned previously. Some people are so used to being in a state of stress that they do not realize the potential long term damage it can cause to our health.
Dis eases like the flu, glandular fever, the dreaded cancer etc. all happen when the immune system is compromised and usually the sufferer is undergoing, or has just undergone, some heavy emotional or physical stress.
If our body is taking in unhealthy sugary, refined foods plus the many preservatives, artificial sweeteners etc. then our physical body will be stressed. Our emotional body will also be stressed. Maybe we are unable to concentrate for a long time. Maybe we become angry quickly or over react to little 'problems'. Maybe we don`t sleep very well or maybe we easily become tired. There are a huge amount of symptoms that can appear just from a bad diet - all because the body cannot cope with the extra work load.
Emotional stress from divorce, loss of a partner/mate and relocation (work or home) seems to be the final nail in the coffin when it comes to getting cancer! The body struggles with the toxins & chemicals it has to already get rid of and then on top of that the extra biochemicals the body produces when stressed!
Stress can also be caused through food intolerance / allergy.
So first, to reduce stress, is to try to stick to a really good diet. Plenty of fresh fruit and vegys. Clean drinking water and a good dose of fibre. Make sure you are having the good oils (essential fatty acids) and getting plenty of exercise and fresh air.
Try and have a good night`s sleep. Less caffeine / chocolate before bed!
Green powders are sometimes very helpful to have daily as they provide essential amino acids & magnesium, and help in digestion as well as alkalizing the body. Very good to take in a juice or sprinkled, or mixed, in with cereal. Green Powders are made basically from dried vegetables & green leafed plants. A little a day gives you energy & reduces stress! Green Qi (Neways product)is a fabulous mix of various cancer fighting green leafed plants, plus shitake mushroom, kelp and dandelion root. Excellent food supplement.
Green juices can sometimes be a life-saver. Many a time, when I was working in tourism, I would come across people who shared their stories with me - stories especially about surviving cancer.
Stories about the benefits of green juices, especially wheatgrass, that had saved the day. Other green powders were not known about in those days. I also have a story to tell concerning green juices and cancer! You can read about it in my book "A Pocket Full of Gold".
Stay healthy & tune in again soon,
Cheers, Christabel M
Please note that I don`t sell any products. I can only share with you what I have tried and what has impacted positively on my own well-being.
All information on this page is intended for educational purposes only. If you are concerned about your health please consult a health practitioner.
Did you know.......?
Two carrots a day helps to keep the doctor away ! Healthy volunteers that were fed two carrots a day for three weeks reduced their blood cholesterol by 11% . Apparently the calcium pectate in carrots bonds bile acids and thus blocks the formation of cholesterol in the liver.
Cream of Broccoli soup is good brain food. The combination of iron and protein sends amino acids to the brain. Broccoli is also rich in calcium, vit. C and Beta-carotene and provides us with fibre. Broccoli is very heavily sprayed so buy organic broccoli if you want to be healthy.
Raspberries, blueberries, cranberries, gooseberries, & currants are all full of Vit C and pectin. So great for helping to reduce cholesterol. These berries are also good brain food.
Strawberries are helpful for reducing the risk of cancer. They are a really good source of ellagic acid (a cancer deactivating compound) which is also found in cherries, grapes and Brazil nuts.
Once again eat organic.
Strawberry hives usually are due to the outer fuzz on the strawberry - not the fruit itself. You can usually overcome this problems by rinsing the berries in hot, then cold water.
A Feline Healthy Hint
If you add a few drops of apple cider vinegar to your cat`s drinking water it will help to keep fleas away.
If your cat has a tick-bite then give him/her some homeopathic ledum. I have seen many cats, that have been really ill with tick poisoning, improve rapidly with ledum three times a day.
A purring puss has stronger lungs. Happy emotions help ward off the flu!
I must admit that when I am `fluey` I ask A & R to play some music to me. Purrrrrr .... I am very spoilt! Somehow the music warms my insides and of course being relaxed and happy allows the immune system to also sing and get on with its job!
Have a bit of distant healing to do now, so take care and
Tune in again soon,
Cheers, Christabel M
June 6th
Nuture and tend to your garden so
The fruit of your tree will be healthy
And your soul will be full of new song
The song will gladden your heart
And lighten your future
More on the Immune System continued Part 3
So far I`ve talked a little about changing diet, parasites & candida, bowel hygiene, spinal alignment etc. and the effect each has on our immune system. The body consists of a myriad of different systems all working alongside each other and relating to the whole. If an area is not healing then a naturopath, or iridologist, would look at what is happening in other parts of the body eg. if sinuses aren`t healing we would look at the bowel, the neck, patient`s diet etc. Healing and optimum health is about all systems inside the body as well as our emotions and environment.
Mineral deficiency can weaken our internal systems including our immune system. Minerals are needed for all biochemical processes in the body. Colloidal minerals are easily absorbed and can be added to our daily diet. Most diets are mineral deficient these days.
Years ago, when I was in my twenties, I worked in a private hospital that catered for the elderly. There was one patient who was in her early eighties who had come from another hospital. She had been bedridden for twelve years! She was unable to communicate at all, had to be fed, and had come with numerous bed-sores. I happened to be acting matron at the time. After about two weeks of nursing her I had a very strong feeling that she was potassium deficient. Anyhow the long and short of it is I decided to give her Slow K daily - a potassium supplement. The lady made a very rapid recovery and within a few weeks was able to walk around, sit up and play cards, and hold a good conversation!!!!!!!! AFTER 12 YEARS. With a little exercise, a good diet, and stimulation for the mind, her pressure sores were able to heal very quickly.
Mouth hygiene is another area that affects the whole. Each tooth relates to an energy line running to a different organ in the body. A rotten tooth will expel toxins that will affect the body and also will affect the energetic system. Amalgams can leak aluminium and root canals may have a toxic leak. All weakening the immune system. When I had my amalgams removed the little lumps in my breasts disappeared!
A happy, healthy liver is able to filter our blood and then disassemble harmful toxins rendering them less harmful and ready for excretion. We live in an environment that is filled with pollutants & man made chemicals. From the air we breathe to the foods we eat. Plastics produce toxic chemicals. New cars to plastic containers.Chemicals are also absorbed by the skin. We put hair lotion, toothpaste, beauty products, insect repellants all on the skin. OUR LIVERS ARE WORKING OVERTIME. Better to remove chemical products and get back to the basics. Buy products that contain less toxic chemicals or hopefully no toxic ingredients.
Can also take Protectiver to help support the liver and thus assist the load on our immune system.
In 1998 when I was diagnosed with terminal ovarian cancer one of the first things I did was to throw out almost everything in my bathroom and laundry. I did not want to put any more strain on my immune system. No nail polish, no mould remover, no skin creams - I threw them all out. My liver had enough work to do!
A good night`s sleep is important.
Reduced stress means a happier, stronger immune system. I will share a few ideas on sleep and stress reduction next time.
Laughter is necessary for health and happiness. Why not break the ice with a good fun DVD?
Have heaps of fresh organic vegys, so must go and make some soup now,
Tune in again soon,
Cheers, Christabel
May 30th
Help Prevent Bowel & Breast Cancer
This last week two of my friends have been diagnosed with bowel cancer and one with breast cancer! One had a parent who died of bowel cancer and another one`s father had prostate cancer.The other person had no family history at all with cancer.
Luckily I know that there are loads of things you can do to assist your body, mind and spirit in the healing process. I also know that healing can take place in any area of your life, maybe even all areas, with a little guidance, courage, perseverance and love!
Please read and share the little bits about supporting our immune system in my previous posts.
Cassie / Essiac Tea: Many people have drank this powerful tea that is hailed as a potent cancer retardant. Good as a preventative medicine as it is a great detoxifier - therefore a happier immune system.
Noni Juice: This is another potent juice filled with all sorts of nutrients that help balance all systems in the body.
More on the immune system in next week`s posting.
When is a Nightmare Your Best Friend?
Many years ago I used to invite people who had a terminal illness to stay at our home for seven to ten days. I lived on Magnetic Island, an island that has coral outcrops and beautiful National Park walks etc., 180 different species of birds throughout the year and blue skies to top it off. A perfect resting place where one can communicate with the spirit of the land and the quiet space within.
I would teach the patient meditation & visualization, a bit about juicing & diet etc and generally let them unwind and be quiet.
A young man, possibly in his late twenties, came to stay with us in our crazy household. He had been diagnosed some time before with inoperable cancer of the brain. Even though his prognosis was very poor this young man had stuck to a juicing and raw food diet and was doing everything by the book. He had come to learn to meditate, to have some hands-on healing and for any other little bits of information about healing (I had quite a large health section of books).
Now you might think this odd, but that very first day of sitting in meditation I was given a message. "Tell the guy that if he has a nightmare that he has to say immediately on waking I`m Alive, I`m Safe and I am Loved. As soon as he realizes that he was dreaming, and before he does anything at all, he must repeat over and over out load to himself (or think the words over & over) I`m Alive, I`m Safe and I am Loved!"
Well the words I heard were very clear so even though I thought the guy would think I was nuts I asked him if he ever had nightmares.
"No, never. Why do you ask" He said looking at me in a strange way.
"Oh, well" I said shrugging my shoulders "If you ever do happen to have one, this is what you must do".
The next morning he came excitedly down the stairs yelling out "Guess what. I had a nightmare last night! AND I did what you told me to do".
No more was said about the nightmare incident, although he did confide his past to me. The chap returned home to his wife and children refreshed, relaxed and happy.
I moved house, after getting divorced, and then went on a working stint in a remote part of Africa. It was two years later when I heard from this man again who had happened to find out where I was living after reading about my African experience in a newspaper.
He rang me with this news "Just wanted to tell you that the next time I had a brain scan there was no sign of ever having cancer!!!!"
Many years later after understanding more about thought patterns and emotions I understand how this happened. I haven`t the time and space to go into this on the blog but believe me those few words uttered straight after a nightmare are healing indeed. They are transmuters, transmuting deep-seated suppressed fear and suffering.
If you know anyone who has nightmares please tell them this story. Children will need one of their parents to say the words softly and clearly without any other distractions like hugging etc. You need to put in a clear thought pattern whilst everything except the fear is the child`s focus. You may hold the child`s hand or stroke softly a very young child`s forehead/third eye whilst repeating the words over and over until they fall back to sleep.
La la salama - sweet dreams
Until next week
Cheers Christabel
May 23rd
Multiple Sclerosis & 'The Kind Living' Cafe, Maleny
My daughter`s grandmother had M.S. so I have always been very interested in treatment of M.S.
The other day I read in the Hinterland Times that there is a new vegan and raw food cafe situated in Maleny - the first on the coast. Today I called in and had an organic coffee, with nut milk, and watched aghast as plate after plate of fabulous dishes were presented to the lucky clients! Raw organic vegan food is delicious. Why I have brought this up is because the cafe owner was diagnosed with M.S. about six years ago. Apparently after changing to raw foods, from vegan, all her M.S. symptoms disappeared! Now that is food for thought!
I also have just read about a guy called Roger MacDougall who also was diagnosed with M.S. in 1953. He very quickly became confined to a wheelchair. He cut out gluten,, cow`s milk and sugar from his diet. He began a diet of raw vegetables, fruit and their juices, free range venison, rabbit and poultry. He also supplemented his diet with minerals and vitamins. The long and short of this story is that Roger MacDougall in 1975 was proclaimed free of all symptoms - 'a spectacular remission'. He died in his eighties still totally free of MS.
Check out:
The story of Roger MacDougall by reading his book "My Fight Against Multiple Sclerosis"
A Primitive diet by Beverley Southam
Be Cool as a Cucumber!
Peel cucumbers, juice them and then drink the juice so that you can help to eliminate excess fluid from the body tissues. Used especially for gout and chronic oedema. When I have loads of cucumbers in my garden I often add them to my juices.. - always feel much better afterwards.
Make a mashed cucumber poultice by placing the mushy cucumbers in cheesecloth. Apply directly to the eyelids to relieve itchy, inflamed eyes.
More on the Immune system - continued - part 2
Bowel Hygiene is important. Regular daily bowel motions are a must.
A parasite cleanse once or twice a year is a good idea. Most people do have a build up of parasites in their body. Parasites are very easy to get and travel around the body until they come across a susceptible, weaker area which they can habitate. Parasites weaken the immune system. A few months ago I climbed up a ladder and removed some mistletoe growing on my pecan tree. You should see how happy the tree is now! I take Purge because it contains wormwood, cloves and walnut, as well as many other herbs to also help the bowel flora and digestive system.
Antibiotics wipe out the flora living in the bowel. We need some types of bacteria in the bowel. So if you have used antibiotics follow with a course of pre and probiotics! Much better than just yoghurt.
Candida albicans is another huge problem that weakens our immune system. People who have had antibiotics can have an overgrowth of Candida albicans. This dis ease can become systemic after 6 to 12 months firstly spreading to the liver.From here it can spread to the lungs, heart and other organs. The liver is the organ of detoxification. If it is compromised our immune system suffers. If a weak immune system then we are predisposed to all sorts of diseases including cancer. Symptoms range from tiredness, irritability, memory loss, allergies,bloating, cystitis, post-natal drip AND the list goes on.
A change of diet is needed - actually a one-month diet. There are many books out now about the diet. Obviously no sugar & no yeast! No fizzy carbonated drinks like coke, fanta etc.
Spinal alignment. Bad posture, accidents, heavy lifting etc.can put your back (& neck) out. The corresponding organ to the vertebra will become weak if the vertebra is misaligned. A weak bowel will help manifest all sorts of problems in the bowel.
Healing and/or staying healthy is a holistic journey. Every part of the body has reflexes to every part of the body. Every part of the body responds to our emotions, thoughts and words. Nothing stands alone.
Interesting reading:
'The Yeast Connection' by William G. Crook, M.D.
'Candida. Diet Against It' Foulsham, The publishing House Berkshire UK. ISBN 0-572-02661-7
Astar and Rawhinia will be studying Candida albicans and all about the diet etc. in their health lessons next week. Later on they will also study different healing techniques such as reflexology and reiki. They already do visualization, meditation & yoga. Maybe they will share a little later on.
Hope you can tune in again soon,
Cheers, Christabel M
May 16th
GET STICKY - Bee healthy!
Honey the great healerJune 13th
In 1964 when I first worked in a hospital many patients, with leg ulcers that just would not heal, were treated with honey daubed directly onto their ulcers which were then dressed. It seemed to work!
Over the past couple of years medicinal honey has been in the headlines as an antibacterial healer having now been researched for its ant-inflammatory actions. There are many reports in medical literature of the very effective use of honey as a dressing for wounds, burns and ulcers. Healing is reported with very little scarring and no adverse effects to surrounding tissue!
Of course there are many, many different types of honey. In 1974 local unprocessed honey was used. Since then various types of honey has been tested for their anti bacterial/anti fungal qualities.The honey produced from Leptospermum is high in healing quality. Tea Tree is one species of Leptospermum used. The Jarrah tree also produces honey with high healing quality.
A Sticky Solution to Dressings
Slap on some organic unprocessed honey onto a dressing pad.
Place on wound, sticky side down
Cover with a waterproof secondary dressing ( to stop honey being all soaked up by bandage). Apply crepe bandage.
Redress once a day unless dressing sticks to wound. Redress twice or three times daily if sticking.
Interesting reading:
‘The Hive’ by Bee Wilson The Story of the Honeybee and Us
Add a little sweetness in your life
Apple Cinnamon Rolls
Pastry Ingredients:
Pastry Ingredients:
250 grams plain organic flour
150mls of warm full cream milk
60grams of melted butter
Pinch of salt
Strudel Filling Ingredients:
150 g of minced arrowroot biscuits
1/2 cup of pure honey
Juice of 1/2 a lemon
1 tspn of vanilla essence
1/2 tblspn of ground cinnamon
Apple Mixture Ingredients:
3 Pink Lady apples, peeled & diced
1 cup of sultanas
3 tblspns of pure honey
Squeeze of lemon juice
150mls of warm full cream milk
60grams of melted butter
Pinch of salt
Strudel Filling Ingredients:
150 g of minced arrowroot biscuits
1/2 cup of pure honey
Juice of 1/2 a lemon
1 tspn of vanilla essence
1/2 tblspn of ground cinnamon
Apple Mixture Ingredients:
3 Pink Lady apples, peeled & diced
1 cup of sultanas
3 tblspns of pure honey
Squeeze of lemon juice
Sift the plain flour and salt into a large mixing bowl. Then make a well in the middle and pour in warmed milk and butter. Mix into a soft dough and knead for 5 minutes so it feels soft to the touch. Cover the dough and let rest for 20 minutes. Then using a rolling pin, roll out the pastry to near paper thin, transfer to a clean tea towel and begin to stretch out, with floured hands, the dough to paper thin. Now it is time to fill the rolls.
Line the pastry with minced biscuit, honey, ground cinnamon and lemon juice. Then spread the diced apples and sultana mix over the filling. To roll the strudel, pick up one end of the tea towel, like a Swiss roll, and roll the pastry into itself until you have a strudel. Transfer to a lined baking sheet and bake for 35-45 minutes at 180C. Glaze with icing sugar mixed with milk and serve with vanilla ice cream. Serves 6-8
Please note: Encourage bees by planting native flowering shrubs and trees, along with flowering plants. Don`t plant Cadagi trees in South East Qld as native bee populations can be wiped out after they have collected the pollen. Look up native bees and the cadagi tree on the net!
Line the pastry with minced biscuit, honey, ground cinnamon and lemon juice. Then spread the diced apples and sultana mix over the filling. To roll the strudel, pick up one end of the tea towel, like a Swiss roll, and roll the pastry into itself until you have a strudel. Transfer to a lined baking sheet and bake for 35-45 minutes at 180C. Glaze with icing sugar mixed with milk and serve with vanilla ice cream. Serves 6-8
Please note: Encourage bees by planting native flowering shrubs and trees, along with flowering plants. Don`t plant Cadagi trees in South East Qld as native bee populations can be wiped out after they have collected the pollen. Look up native bees and the cadagi tree on the net!
Tune in again soon
Cheers, Christabel
May 9th
Building up The Immune System - part 1
This is a favourite topic of mine as in 1998, when Astar & Rawhinia were six weeks old, I was diagnosed with advanced ovarian cancer.
Much to everyone`s amazement, including my own, I managed to turn this confirmed diagnosis of advanced ovarian cancer around in a matter of a few days. MIRACLES CAN HAPPEN if you have the right tools!
Because of increasing numbers of cancer sufferers, as well as diseases caused by an inefficient immune system, I am now very passionate about sharing my story. Prevention is better than a cure!
A few years ago I wrote a book about my story hoping to inspire people into thinking outside the box when it comes to healing. Of course, there is a time and place for everything under the sun. We are all different, and have different emotional, mental, physical and spiritual needs. These in turn are changing constantly, according to our environment and our emotional experiences.
One in two people are diagnosed with cancer sometime in their life. Winter is fast approaching and many of us will come in contact with the flu. The wet has been constant in Queensland and many people have, and are experiencing different bacterial and viral infections.We need to build up a strong defence system - the immune system.
Every 2nd week I will post a bit of info. re what we can do to help make our immune systems stronger.
Changes in diet
I think one of the most important things we can do to help maintain our immune system is to load our diet with organic fruit and vegetables. Remember the old saying an apple a day keeps the doctor away? Well apples are one of the most highly sprayed fruits!
Inorganic apples tested for chemicals were found to have high doses of pesticide residue. Even the part of the apple near the core was found to have just as many pesticides as on the skin of the apples! All these chemicals on their own, never mind mixed with all the other chemicals that we digest, put on our skin, as well as breathe in, weaken our hard-working immune system and liver.
Don`t be deceived by the perfection of the apple!
PLEASE don`t let your children eat inorganic apples
Please don`t let your grandchildren eat inorganic baby food
I personally won`t eat inorganic apples.I cannot bring myself to eat heavily sprayed foods. My immune system needs to be strong. I do not want cancer again!
Mind you, cancer is a multifactorial disease. Why not delete some of the known cancer forming precursors? Less strain on your liver and immune system.
It is also a very good idea to cut down on cheese and milk, as well as meat. These foods stress out the immune system as they cause acidity and other imbalances in various systems in the body.
Did you know that men who eat loads of dairy foods have a much higher chance of getting prostate cancer? It is true. Cut out the cheese!
Eat lots of garlic
Cut down on eating refined, processed and sugary food. Many nutrients are destroyed by processing. This food is thus called 'Empty'. Usually also has added sodium, sugar and preservatives.
The pancreas has a really hard time trying to digest these foods as they are no longer natural. A domino affect happens throughout the body resulting in the immune system being overloaded. I love this saying
Poems are made by fools like me
but only God can make a tree - Joyce Kilmer
Eat lots of fresh sprouts, brussels sprouts, cabbage, sweet potato, leafy greens & carrots. Sweet potatoes contain phytochelatins which combine with the mineral sulphur and bind heavy metals including mercury, lead and cadmium. In the Soviet Union a diet of sweet potatoes, yams and cabbage is given to some factory workers exposed to toxic chemicals to help prevent toxic build-up and disease.
Eat lots of berries, oranges as well as other fruits.
When A & R were small their mum used to give them water and fresh juices, with a little mineral water on special occasions. Ice-cream was, and still is, made with frozen fruit put through a Champion juicer - delicious and very healthy.
Drink plenty of fresh unpolluted water.Forget soft drinks.
I once had a patient, who was a well-known naturopath, who just wasn`t healing. I couldn`t understand it. I later found out that he never drank water! It hadn`t entered my head to ask him how much water he drank daily as I thought it would have been natural to drink plenty. Once watered he recovered from his problem!
Take the rubbish out! Eat lots of fibre. Porridge anyone? Pears for afternoon tea? Drink water. Exercise daily. Eat figs.
That`s enough about diet.
Whenever I am run down or under a lot of stress I am more strict with my diet. I also take a high quality Vitamin B Complex supplement. I take Orachel (Neways product) as even though I am not a member of Neways I know they are of excellent quality and that they work for me.
The vitamin B`s are one of the first vitamins to be used up quickly, especially if you are under stress. The vit. B`s are used, and needed for, a multitude of biochemical processes in the body. In this case though, I am talking about their importance in building up the immune system to help prevent infection, flu and cancer. The Bs all work in synergy ie. they all work together and help each other to do their jobs.
Smart Cat My sister`s cat Oedipus will not eat any chicken unless it is organic
Smart Guinea Pig My neice`s Guinea Pig flatly refused to eat grass from the side of the road - it had been sprayed
Smart Owl My distant relations used to feed the local owl their meaty leftovers. Placing the meaty offerings on their wall.One day they thought they would see what would happen if they put a bit of a certain well known fast food chain`s hamburger on the wall. Interesting. The hamburger remained there for weeks - not only did it remain untouched but it was also very well preserved!
Smart Children When Astar & Rawhinia were very tiny, even when they were only six months old, my daughter would give them mashed banana. If it was inorganic banana they would spit it out. They would also get a rash around their mouths! This also happened with sprayed tomatoes. They were perfectly happy if the bananas and tomatoes were organic!
My book A Pocket Full of Gold talks about all of these subjects, as well
as a lot more, in a very light-hearted way. Please go to the CONTACT US
page and email my Katusha if you would like a copy. All monies from
my book will go towards A & Rs Journey.
To buy books about organic gardening etc.
check out
Interesting reading:
The Body At War by John Dwyer
I really wanted to collect some Golden Rod from the side of the road, for my garden but it has been too wet. This is a really good herb for kidney health and arthritis, and much more. Smells delicious. Keep your eyes peeled as a very handy herb indeed!
A Quick note:
In my next post I possibly will talk about Honey & Healing
Until then stay happy and healthy
Tune in again soon
Cheers, Christabel
May 2nd
Music and Our Health - A Few Healing Stories
Sometimes healing comes in very strange packages. Simple, free and non-toxic
Astar and Rawhinia, 3 weeks old, with me |
As soon as Rawhinia was born she was immediately placed in the humidicrib and whisked away. Away from her mother and twin sister.
My first thoughts were to be with her as Astar was robust enough to not need a humidicrib. Rawhinia was all alone (quite a few other babies were in the same room with no sign of any family member close to them) in a plastic bubble. I quietly crept into the room and asked the nurses if I could stay. I pushed my hand through the tiny hole in the side of the humidicrib and gently stroked little Rawhinia, softly singing to her as I stroked her tiny little body. A love song.This was the most natural thing to do.
The foetus, when only a few weeks old, even in this early stage, is already using the sense of hearing. Incredible. The foetus is cushioned inside a water sack and this water acts not only to protect the baby but also takes on the vibrations of sound which in turn program the baby for its future life. The most important sounds are those given by the mother’s voice. The tone, words and music of the sounds expressed are all absorbed by the foetus.
Studies show that the types of sounds, and music, help structure the emotional and mental makeup of the child`s future. If only I had known this when I was pregnant!
Last year I heard someone on the ABC talking about a study of children who played a musical instrument whilst they were in Primary School. This person claimed that the IQ was significantly raised if the young student played an instrument. No wonder music lessons are now offered to children in the State School system. Well done.
When I was a teenager I used to lie down and listen to a Indian record every time my monthly pains would arrive. Every time my pain used to disperse. A few years ago I read that Ravi Shankar ragas were played to some plants. Those plants all leaned towards (at a sixty-degree angle) the speakers. Apparently they also grew taller than the other plants.
When my children were going to primary school I was a passionate potter and sometimes would have back pain. I would fill the bath with water and climb in. Then, much to my children’s embarrassment, I would sing very loudly, and slowly, up my spine. I would start at the base of my spine, singing to that area and gradually sing up the scales as well as my spine. Sometimes I would be ‘stuck’ on one note (area). I would keep singing that tone until I felt the need to move on. My back always felt better after this exercise!
A few years ago I was camping at Ellis Beach on my way up to the Daintree. Sounds rather odd, but I had two broken ankles -both in plaster. On the beach a man carrying a didgeridoo approached me saying he would like to give me a healing. I was told to lie down on the sand, which I did, and then he commenced blowing the didgeridoo pointing at the base of my spine. He then continued playing up my spine. Actually it was very similar to what I used to do when singing my spine! I definitely felt wonderful by the time he finished. So much so that I took a lefty to Mossman Gorge and ended up walking the whole walk – I think 5 klms, if I remember correctly.
Another time I was trying to cut a wedge of mince-meat, off a frozen lump, as I had forgotten to defrost the cat’s dinner. The knife slipped between my thumb and first finger, severing my artery. Swearing rather loudly, as blood spurted out, painting the ceiling fridge and cupboards I grabbed the tea towel, squashed my thumb onto my first finger and bandaged tightly. I then held my hand, fingers pointing upwards, above my head. The man next door drove me to the hospital where a nurse undid my ‘bandage’ and put on a decent one. It wasn`t tight, and I just knew that it wasn`t stopping the blood flow. She told me it was, so I left it at that. After one and a half hours the doctor arrived. He gave me a local anaesthetic and stitched up my hand. A rather messy job as my hand was filled with blood. The blood had oozed into the tissues in my hand that was now very, very swollen.
On leaving the hospital the doctor explained to me that I would need antibiotics as there was so much blood in the tissues that an infection would happen. He gave me some painkillers to take home and warned me that I would have loads of pain when the anaesthetic wears off. That night I climbed up my bush ladder up to my bed in the loft, and slipped into bed making sure I didn`t knock my hand as it was already very painful. Then, I laid down resting my arm on a pillow. I then, very softly, sang to my hand whilst at the same time I very gently stroked my hand towards my heart. Soon I was asleep. NO PAIN KILLERS! My hand healed within a few days without any need for antibiotics!
One of my patients, who had constant pain in his chest ,and could never sleep, slept like a baby after placing his hands on his chest and softly singing to that area. He normally didn`t sing at all.
I have personally seen, and experienced, people healing with chanting, as well as with listening to a crystal singing bowl. In my Healing with Music workshops using the voice (toning the endocrine system), the singing bowl, gongs, bells, drums and other tribal instruments many people have had breakthroughs in their emotional and physical health!
I am so excited at sharing this information. There is so much more I could share on this topic but unfortunately space is limited.
Music has been used for hundreds of years in many cultures. So maybe you can do some research.
There are some really fabulous books written about the Healing Voice, Healing Chants and various kinds of classical music and its effect on the physical and emotional body. I’ve listed some below.
Some interesting reading:
Music Therapy for Non-Musicians by Ted Andrews Music Physician for Times to Come by Don Campbell The Mozart Effect by Don Campbell The Healing Voice by Paul Newham Science & Music by Sir James Jeans Healing Mantras by Thomas Ashley-Farrand
Next time a note about Building up the Immune System – helping to prevent cancer
Stay well,
Tune in again soon,
Cheers, Christabel M
April 25th
Interesting reading:
Please tune in next week for an article on Music and our Health
April 18th
Aloe Vera Helps Save the Day!
Music and the Plant World
When filming Astar and Rawhinia playing music in the rain forest we all noticed that the plants, facing the girls’ violins, started shaking in time with the music. It was as if they were dancing! See Youtube Astar and Rawhinia or go back to the Our Video page and click on our first video. If you watch the whole film on Youtube, take note of the small tree to the left of your screen (when the girls are in front of a giant Fig tree). Keep watching until they appear again, in front of the Fig tree, because you will see the very obvious swaying of its branches in this clip. As the girls played more of the concerto the tree became more involved with the music. When they finally finished their playing, the tree, almost immediately, stopped moving!!
This happened again in another part of the rain forest, this time the girls’ violins were slightly facing a palm tree which seemed to respond with the fingering techniques! Astar and Rawhinia were delighted as well as fascinated by the plants’ response.
So thought I would share a little bit about the effect of music on plants.
“It has been proven beyond any doubt that harmonic waves affect the growth, flowering and seed yield of plants.” – Dr. T.C. Singh, Department of Botany, Annamalai University (India )
Dan Carlson is the inventor of the Sonic Bloom - a system using special sounds to stimulate the opening of stomata ( mouth like pores on plants) which are then sprayed with nutrients such as a seaweed mixture. The resulting plant growth, fruit and vegetable production and seed production is beyond imagination - Very large, nutritious and plentiful produce that has a much longer shelf life!
No one has explained why birds sing for about an hour just before dawn. The sounds are not mating calls or territorial warning calls. “It was thrilling,” Holtz said, “to make that connection. I began to feel that God had created the birds for more than just freely flying about and warbling. Their very singing must somehow be intimately linked to the mysteries of seed germination and plant growth.”
Holtz discovered that the key of D and E flat are best suited for Carlson’s purposes.
It is all so very interesting.
Experiments conducted by Dorothy Retallack to learn about music`s effects on plants are described in her 1973 book The Sound of Music and Plants. Retallack played rock music (Jimi Hendrix, Led Zeppelin and Vanilla Fudge) for one group of plants and jazz to another. When two weeks had passed, the jazz plants were healthy and bent towards the radio. The rock music plants grew very tall and droopy, with faded blooms, and most had died within 16 days!
Coincidentally, or not, cows in the UK milked to Sanskrit music yielded the sweetest milk.
Interesting reading:
The Sound of Music by Dorothy Retallack
The Secret Life of Plants by Peter Tompkins and Christopher Bird
Please tune in next week for an article on Music and our Health
Cheers, Christabel
Aloe Vera Helps Save the Day!
A few weeks ago Astar and Rawhinia`s mum was bitten by an insect whilst she was working in the garden. Katusha had donned her gardening gloves and had then concentrated on mowing the lawn. In the evening the bite on her lower arm started to be quite painful and there was localized redness and swelling. Living on the land often has resulted in us being bitten by various insects, especially with all the rain we have had. End of story – or so she thought.
A couple of days later her arm was still hurting and angry, but now there was the Flu? also to contend with. She swallowed some Ming VMMs (magic immune builders) along with her daily B Complex (Orachel) supplement and took her headache, aching limbs and nausea to bed to sweat the Flu? out.
The next day she needed a doctor as her Flu? symptoms were much worse. She was on fire plus her headache, tiredness and aching arm was now unbearable. The doctor told her she had septicaemia and immediately put her on heavy doses of antibiotics. Finally symptoms seemed to subside.
Aloe the Healer
A couple of weeks later Katusha's arm started to swell again. This time the pain was much worse. Her headache and the feeling of being on fire had returned.
It as then that I remembered putting Aloe Vera onto an insect bite on my lower arm. Living in tropical Nth Queensland (in 1980s) presented to us many different health issues. My bite had become a tropical boil and then had spread throughout my body. All the antibiotics in the world (I was given procaine penicillin injections) didn`t have any success at all. Finally I thought of Aloe Vera. A traveler visiting us onMagnetic Island had raved about the healing qualities of Aloe Vera.
A couple of weeks later Katusha's arm started to swell again. This time the pain was much worse. Her headache and the feeling of being on fire had returned.
It as then that I remembered putting Aloe Vera onto an insect bite on my lower arm. Living in tropical Nth Queensland (in 1980s) presented to us many different health issues. My bite had become a tropical boil and then had spread throughout my body. All the antibiotics in the world (I was given procaine penicillin injections) didn`t have any success at all. Finally I thought of Aloe Vera. A traveler visiting us on
So I made up a dressing of the gel and covered it with a waterproof dressing and bandage, replacing it every 4 hours. A few days later I was all better! The gel left my skin stained but the stain faded in about a week!
So this is what Katusha did. She soaked a dressing in Aloe Vera Juice, applied it to the area over and around the bite, and covered it with glad wrap and then a bandage. The twins mum also drank some Aloe Vera juice – just a little bit every couple of hours. By morning her arm was loads better as were her other symptoms. Nevertheless I did take her to the doctor who then announced that she must have been bitten by a red back spider! Katusha was given some more antibiotics and continued with the Aloe Vera dressings and tonic. She was better in a couple of days!!!!
Please note: If bitten by a Red Back spider please phone your doctor IMMEDIATELY!
Please note: If bitten by a Red Back spider please phone your doctor IMMEDIATELY!
Red Back (Latrodectus mactans hasselti)
Some Other Uses for Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera has been used for medicinal uses for over 5000 years!
Believe it or not, when put on the skin it is absorbed right through to the tendons, muscles, joints and the lymphatic system. What a gift.
Aloe can be used to heal scar tissue and in North Queensland I saw it used to remove terrible scars caused by the Box Jellyfish and by severe burns. Aloe fastens up the healing process of boils, abscesses and wounds.
Aloe Vera can be taken internally. People who have undergone chemotherapy / radiation (side effects) have healed their intestine and stomach etc. with the use of Aloe Vera. Aloe is also known for increasing the efficiency of the immune system by activating and stimulating macrophages, antibodies and T-cells.
Aloe aids digestion and is often used by people recovering from sickness or surgery as well as the frail elderly. Aloe is also very helpful in treating Chronic Fatigue.
Interesting reading: The Silent Healer by Bill C. Coats
All information on this page is intended for educational purposes only. If you are concerned about your health please consult a health practitioner.
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