Sunday 1 May 2011

Back to School

 Hi, Welcome to our Journey
As you can see we are identical twins and very passionate about music especially violin. We are 12 years old and have been given a wonderful opportunity to go to the UK for a musical educational experience, including meeting up with Nigel Kennedy (the famous violinist). We just need some help getting there.
To read more have a look at Our History page.
Tune in soon,   A & R

Back to School
Rawhinia and Astar just finished year 8 English
 As we have previously told you, this is our first year of Home schooling and we are in year 8. So it was back to school work last week and we are very excited for 2 reasons. One is we have now finished year 8 English and nearly finished year 8 maths, which means we are starting year 9. COOL HA! If you want to find out more about what we do for school you can have a look at our Home Schooling page. Anyhow the other very exciting thing is we have found an amazing science teacher. She is the coolest person we have met for awhile and extremely passionate about science! How lucky are we!

Nana has updated the Healthy Hints page with a few stories about music and health. Check it out.

Also don't forget to have a look at our Youtube clip if you haven't already. You can do this through Our Video page.

Tune in Soon  A & R

1 comment:

  1. You are flying through your schooling. Go girls go!!!
