Saturday 4 June 2011

Astar and Rawhinia 'Composing At Ten Years Old'

Hi, Welcome to our Journey
As you can see we are identical twins and very passionate about music especially violin. We are 12 years old and have been given a wonderful opportunity to go to the UK for a musical educational experience, including meeting up with Nigel Kennedy (the famous violinist). We just need some help getting there.
To read more have a look at Our History page.
Tune in soon,   A & R

Hi, Astar and Rawhinia are quite busy at the moment cooking for a fundraiser (they will tell you about it next week). They have asked me to do the post for this week.

Rawhinia and Astar ten years old performing in orchestra
 I thought that you might be interested in hearing about their compositions. It was just after the bush fire that decimated Melbourne. The Orchestra was to be performing at a golf club on the Sunshine Coast and the conductor asked the children in the string orchestra if anyone of them wanted to perform a solo. If so, could they bring the piece of music in the following week for approval. Well, the girls came home and looked through their music. They didn't think that any of the pieces were appropriate for the concert but, they still wanting to do a solo. So they sat down with the idea of composing a piece each. Rawhinia decided to compose a piece of music called "Black Sunday" (the day after the bush fire). Rawhinia wanted to portray the deep sadness that the people effected by the fire were feeling and that in amongst all the destruction there is renewed life. It took Rawhinia half an hour to compose the piece that goes for around 4 min. When she played it at the concert people were brought to tears. Rawhinia is very sensitive and has a gift for conveying her message. Astar decided to work on a different type of music. She called here piece "Stella The Birth of a Star". Her piece is full of life - exciting, stimulating and fast. "Stella" is all about a star being created in the cosmos. Astar's composition took a couple of hours to compose and lasts for around 4 min. When Astar played "Stella" the crowd roared in cheer. 

Part of the crowd, not even standing room left.
  After the performance we were approached by professional musicians complementing the girls on their compositions and asking them where they had learnt to compose! To their astonishment Astar and Rawhinia had never learnt composition and at that stage had not even started to do music theory!
They were only ten years old.
I am not  musical and unfortunately  don't have any friends that are. Imagine what they could do if they had someone to teach/help them!

Tune in to next weeks post with A & R

Cheers  Katusha

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