Monday 20 June 2011

Guest Speakers For Leadership Day

Hi, Welcome to our Journey
As you can see we are identical twins and very passionate about music especially violin. We are 12 years old and have been given a wonderful opportunity to go to the UK for a musical educational experience, including meeting up with Nigel Kennedy (the famous violinist). We just need some help getting there.
To read more have a look at Our History page.
Tune in soon,   A & R

Rawhinia and Astar at Leadership Presentations
 Hi Everyone. We were asked to be the guest speakers for a leadership day at one of the schools on the Sunshine Coast on Tuesday. It was great and quite an honour. The school had chosen two children to be their leaders for the year. We were to present the awards. We also played violin to all the students at the school and did an inspirational talk for the students that attended the school. It was great for us to do this because last year both of us were chosen to be leaders of our old school. After the talk, and violin playing, the principal asked the students if any of them wanted to learn to play the violin. After hearing us play all the kids hands shot up. Then the headmistress asked if they were inspired to follow any other dream (after our talk) and all their hands shot up again. It was so COOL!
This weekend we have the great honour of playing the music for a wedding. We will let you know how it goes. We may be a bit late in posting next week as we are doing Winter School (for violin.) We will also tell you more about that after it has finished.
Hope you are all staying warm. We will post again next week.

Tune in soon,  A & R

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