Sunday 10 July 2011

Food Additives Cause Bad Behaviour and ADD

Hi, Welcome to our Journey
As you can see we are identical twins and very passionate about music especially violin. We are 12 years old and have been given a wonderful opportunity to go to the UK for a musical educational experience, including meeting up with Nigel Kennedy (the famous violinist). We just need some help getting there.
To read more have a look at Our History page.
Tune in soon, A & R

Today we are busy getting all our home-schooling organized for this term. When we were small we would react to certain foods. We would feel fuzzy in the head and/or maybe become very grumpy. Sometimes it was a reaction to the actual food (gluten, lactose) and sometimes our reactions were because of food additives. 
You can read a bit about the affect of food additives on some children by going to our Healthy Hints Page. 

Tune in again soon,  A & R

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