Monday 25 July 2011

The Perfect Rosin

Hi, Welcome to our Journey
As you can see we are identical twins and very passionate about music especially violin. We are 12 years old and have been given a wonderful opportunity to go to the UK for a musical educational experience, including meeting up with Nigel Kennedy (the famous violinist). We just need some help getting there.
To read more have a look at Our History page.
Tune in soon, A & R

We had a busy weekend as there was another trail bike weekend. So on Friday we baked more of our yummy Yo yos and sold them over the weekend. It's a good way to make a few more $ for our trip, and we have so much fun with our friends.

This week we want to tell you about the Rosin that we use. When we started to play violin we quickly realised that we are allergic to the Rosin. We would get a runny nose and non-stop sneeze, sneeze, sneeze! Very irritating when you are trying to focus on what you are playing. But last year we found the perfect rosin. PATH ROSIN = NO SNEEZING!!!!! It is actually made of the same sap that other rosins are made from but it has a lot less fine dust produced when playing. You see, every time you play violin you have to rub some rosin on your bow. This helps the bow (horse hair) to grip the violin strings as the bow runs over them. So usually a lot of rosin dust comes off the bow as you play. We dont know how Path do it but they have done us a HUGE favour.
We are going well with our Year 7 pieces.
Will post again next Monday.

Tune in Soon  A & R

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