Sunday 21 August 2011

William Robinson Art Exhibition

Hi, Welcome to our Journey
As you can see we are identical twins and very passionate about music especially violin. We are 12 years old and have been given a wonderful opportunity to go to the UK for a musical educational experience, including meeting up with Nigel Kennedy (the famous violinist). We just need some help getting there.
To read more have a look at Our History page.
Tune in soon, A & R

Astar and Rawhinia outside the William Robinson Exhibition

Hi. As mum said last week we went to Brisbane for Nana's B'Day. There were 2 exhibitions that we wanted to see. The first was the Surrealism exhibition at the Brisbane Art Gallery, well what a downer! Even though we learnt a lot about Surrealism we walked out of there feeling very uninspired!!! Fortunately after that we went to the QUT at the Botanical Gardens in Brisbane to see an exhibition by William Robinson. It was amazing!!!!!!!! If you ever have the opportunity to see any of his work we totally recommend that you go. We could have spent all day looking at his work, particularly the rain forest and landscape oil paintings. They were amazing and huge. Before we went we had seen some prints of William Robinson's work, and thought that they were good but when you are in the same room as the paintings well it is mind blowing. SO COOL William Robinson is gifted. Check him out on the net.
We have also started a yeast cleanse and will tell you about it next week.

Tune in soon  A & R

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